Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health

Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health

Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health (May 2020)
Presented by:
Tamie Gangloff, MA, MFT
Therapist, Training, Outreach Manager, Advocate

Scoliosis and spinal fusion patients are at greater risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression than patients diagnosed with other serious health conditions. Body image disturbance and distress, associated with scoliosis patients, can also lead to depression and lack of compliance with treatment recommendations, including bracing and physical therapy, and poor post-operative outcomes. Surveys indicate that approximately only one-third of spine surgeons utilize pre-surgical psychological assessment.
Medical Professionals will be able to identify at least 3 symptoms of depression and PTSD and will learn specific strategies to incorporate screening tools into their practice. Attendees will learn when to refer a patient to a therapist or psychiatrist. Attendees will learn how to have mental health discussions with their patients and how to support patients in obtaining mental health treatment. Attendees will learn about body image disturbance in patients with scoliosis and gain an awareness of how to talk with their patients about such issues, including from a health at every size approach (HAES).
For patients, we will discuss what to expect, tools for developing resilience, grounding techniques, body image acceptance and how to access resources in the community. I will utilize my personal and professional experience to connect with attendees and offer candid support.

Tamie Gangloff MA MFT
Therapist, Training, Outreach Manager, Advocate
Tamie is a marriage and family therapist and outreach professional with a specialty in the treatment of eating disorders, addiction and trauma.  Tamie was diagnosed with AIS (adolescent idiopathic scoliosis) as a young adolescent and was treated conservatively with a brace.  Tamie underwent a staged spine fusion surgery, as an adult, to repair her scoliosis and degenerative disc disease.  Through her experience she has discovered the need to address the mental health needs of those with scoliosis and spine fusion surgeries. Tamie utilizes her personal and professional experience to help others and advocate for change.   
“The Need for Group Support After Major Surgery” – Psych Central Dec 10 2019
“Post Op Body Image Changes: Conversations with a Therapist” – Psych Central Pro September 21 2019 
“Scoliosis and Body Image” – Psych Central Pro April 11 2015
Tamie is also featured in ‘Spines: The Art of Scoliosis’ by Sydnee Lubar and ‘Thriving After Trauma’ by Shari Botwin LCSW.

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Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health
  • Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health

    Scoliosis, Fusion, Mental Health (May 2020)

    Presented by:
    Tamie Gangloff, MA, MFT
    Therapist, Training, Outreach Manager, Advocate

    Scoliosis and spinal fusion patients are at greater risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression than patients diagnosed with other serio...