Scoliosis Treatment as Part of  Diagnostic Process

Scoliosis Treatment as Part of Diagnostic Process

Presented by:
Franz Landauer, MD, CPO(A)
SALK Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg

Treatment results provide important information about the cause of scoliosis in adolescent scoliosis. The diagnostic process does not end with treatment.

- The embryonic development of the spine
- The intraspinal and extraspinal causes of scoliosis
Data of approximately 1500 patients with scoliosis (Cobb angle of >20°) and 950 patients treated with a Cheneau-brace are the background of the lecture (2002-2021). Neuromuscular scoliosis is excluded.

Diagnostic of scoliosis:
- DETECTION of scoliosis
o anamnesis
o screening
o classification
- DIFFERENTIATION of the cause of scoliosis
o idiopathic scoliosis (without apparent reason)
o pathogenesis of scoliosis
Focus on brace treatment:
- PRIMARY CORRECTION as a clue to the cause of scoliosis
- BRACE WEARING-TIME adapted to the primary correction
- COMPLIANCE followes dedection and primary correcton

Detection of scoliosis improved in recent years. Approximately 30% of patients are presented with mild scoliosis (40° Cobb angle is low (2%).

A structured anamnesis and generous indication of MRI leads to better clarification of the causes of scoliosis. 20 years ago a cause of scoliosis was only detected in 10%. Nowadays in 25% a cause of scoliosis can be clarified. Intraspinal pathologies (malformation,LSTV, syringomelia, tumor, CRMO, syndromes like Marfan syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, Prader Willi Syndrome etc.) and extraspinal pathologies (congenital heart defect with surgery in the early childhood, esophageal atresia, hormonal disorder, etc.) can be detected. Especially lumbar and cervical curvatures require further MRI-clarification.
As part of the brace treatment, further insights into the cause of scoliosis are gained.

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Scoliosis Treatment as Part of  Diagnostic Process
  • Treatment of Scoliosis as part of the diagnostic process

    Dr. Franz Landauer, Austria, SALK Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
    Treatment results provide important information about the cause of scoliosis in adolescent scoliosis. The diagnostic process does not end with treatment.

    - The embr...